News & Updates

Stories and ideas from Peloton

Peloton Advises Germanow-Simon Corp on its Acquisition by Gooch & Housego PLC

Germanow-Simon Corporation (dba GS Plastic Optics, GS Optics or “GS”) announced that it has been acquired by Gooch & Housego PLC.

Peloton Advises TSSD Services, Inc. on its Acquisition by NUVIA

TSSD Services, Inc. (“TSSD”) announced that it has been acquired by Nuvia, a subsidiary of VINCI group and nuclear division of Soletanche Freyssinet.

Entrepreneur Topics

References, guides and helpful links for business owners.

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M&A Terminology

The Many Letters Behind M&A Terminology

Decoding Abbreviations in the Merger & Acquisition Industry, and Understanding Why They Matter You’re an expert at your business and in your industry, maybe even the best in the world – but the M&A terminology you find yourself faced with…


What Is the Value of My Business?

“What is the value of my business?” What is my business worth? It’s an important question, and one that most business owners don’t contemplate over the course of their careers.

Press & Announcements

Recent transactions and updates from the Peloton Advisory team.

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Peloton Advisory Welcomes Craig McMahon, PhD

Peloton Advisory is excited to announce that Craig McMahon has joined the firm in 2022.

Peloton Advises Radiation Safety & Control Services on its Acquisition by Allied Power

Radiation Safety & Control Services, Inc. (“RSCS”) announced that it has been acquired by Allied Power, a portfolio company of Bernhard Capital Partners.

Advisor Topics

References, guides and helpful links for advisory teams.

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Lessons from the Peloton

Lessons from the Peloton

As a cycling enthusiast, I have learned first-hand about the power, potential and risk in the peloton, and continue to find its lessons relevant to my work with entrepreneurs and their teams.